2011 Nobel Prize Concert

Nobel Prize Concert
Copyright © Nobel Media AB 2009. Photographer: Jan-Olav Wedin/The Stockholm Concert Hall.


Nobel Media in association with the Stockholm Concert Hall presented the Nobel Prize Concert – an event of world class stature. The 2011 concert featured tenor Joseph Calleja, and it was held on 8 December as part of the Nobel Week program of activities.

Joseph Calleja was born on Malta in 1978, and made his debut in 1997. Joseph Calleja’s voice is often compared to that of Jussi Björling's, and despite his youth, he has already sung 28 different opera roles at all the major opera houses on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra was conducted by Marcello Mottadelli in a program comprising selected arias from Italian and French opera.

Listen to the 2011 Nobel Prize Concert featuring tenor Joseph Calleja.In order to see the video you need Adobe Flash Player
Copyright ? Nobel Media AB 2011
Credits: Sveriges Radio

Copyright © Nobel Media AB 2011 TO CITE THIS PAGE:
MLA style: "The Nobel Prize Concert 2011". Nobelprize.org. 13 Mar 2012 http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_organizations/nobelmedia/concert/2011/?rand=294&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Nobelprize_org+%28Nobelprize.org%29

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