Chapter 12: Coordination and Control

Chapter 12: Coordination and Control

12.1: Types of Coordination
  1. Stimuli, Receptors,Effectors, Response
  2. Coordinated Action, Stimuli, Receptors
  3. Coordinators and Effectors, Response
12.2: Human Nervous System
  1. Nerve Cell or Neuron
  2. Neuron Types
  3. Nerve Types
  4. Components of Nervous System, Brain
  5. The Divisions of Brain, Forebrain
  6. More on Forebrain
  7. Midbrain and Hindbrain
  8. Spinal Cord
  9. More on Spinal Cord
  10. Periphral Nervous System
  11. More on PNS (Periphral Nervous System)
  12. Reflex Arc
12.3: Rcecptors in Human
  1. Eye
  2. More on Eye
  3. Process of Image Formation
  4. Disorders of Eye
  5. Ear, External Ear
  6. Middle Ear, Inner Ear
  7. Hearing, Balancing, Defects of Hearing
12.4: Endocrine System
  1. Important Endocrine Glands
  2. Pituitary Gland
  3. Thyroid Gland
  4. Parathyroid Glands
  5. Adrenal Glands
  6. Pancreas
  7. Gonads
  8. Feedback Mechanisms
12.5: Disorders of Nervous System
  1. Paralysis and Epilepsy

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