Chapter 2: Vectors and Equilibrium

Chapter 2: Vectors and Equilibrium (46 videos)

2.1: Basic Concepts of Vectors
  1. Scalars and Vectors
  2. Rectangular Coordinate system
2.2: Vectors
  1. Vector and its Representation
  2. Addition of Forces
  3. Problem 1 on Vector Addition and Subtraction
  4. Problem 2 on Vector Addition and Subtraction
  5. Resultant Vectors
  6. Vectors Subtraction
  7. Multiplication of Vector by a scalar
2.3: Division of a Vector by a Number (Non Zero)
  1. Division of a Vector by a Number (Non Zero)
  2. Unit and Null vector
  3. Problem on Unit and Null vector
  4. Rectangular Components of a Vector
2.4: Free Vector
  1. Free vector
  2. Determination of a Vector from its Rectangular Components
  3. Problem on Determination of a Vector from its Rectangular Components
  4. Position and Equal Vectors
2.5: Vector Addition by Rectangular Components
  1. Vector Addition by Rectangular Components
  2. Steps of vector Addition by Rectangular Components
  3. Problem2 on Vector Addition by Rectangular Components
  4. More on Problem2 on Vector Addition by Rectangular Components
2.6: Properties of Vector Addition
  1. Commutative Property of Addition of Vectors
  2. Associative Law of Vector Addition
2.7: Product of two Vectors
  1. Product of two Vectors
  2. Scalar or Dot product
  3. Problem1 on Scalar or Dot product
  4. Problem2 on Scalar or Dot product
  5. Characteristics of Scalar Product
  6. Vector or Cross Product
  7. Characteristics of Cross Product
  8. Example of Vector product
  9. Problem1 on Vector or Cross Product
  10. Problem2 on Vector or Cross Product
2.8: Torque
  1. Introduction to Torque or Moment of a Force
  2. More on Torque
  3. Problem on More on Torque
  4. Introduction to Couple
2.9: Equlibrium of Forces
  1. Introduction to Equilibrium
  2. Equilibrium of Bodies Under the Action of Coplanar Forces
2.10: Equilibrium of Torques
  1. Conditions for Equilibrium
  2. Problem 1 on Conditions for Equilibrium
  3. Problem 2 on Conditions for Equilibrium
  4. Problem 3 on Conditions for Equilibrium
  5. Problem 4 on Conditions for Equilibrium
2.11: Centre of Mass
  1. Center of Mass
  2. More on Centre of Mass

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