Chapter 20: Atomic Spectra

Chapter 20: Atomic Spectra (45 videos)

20.1: Atomic Spectra
  1. Atomic Spectra
  2. More on Atomic Spectra
  3. More on Atomic Spectra
  4. Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen
  5. More on Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen
  6. Thomson Atomic Model
  7. Rutherford's Scatterig Experiment
20.2: Bohr's Model of the Hydrogen Atom
  1. Bohr's Model of the Hydrogen Atom
  2. Problem-Bohr's Model of the Hydrogen Atom
  3. De-Broglie's Interpretation of Bohr's Orbits
  4. Energy Level Diagram
  5. More on Energy Level Diagram
  6. Success and Failure of Bohr's Theory
  7. Quantized Radii
  8. More on Quantized Radii
  9. Problem-Quantized Radii
  10. Quantized Energies
  11. More on Quantized Energies
  12. Problem-Quantized Energies
  13. Hydrogen Emission Spectrum
  14. Excitation and Ionization Potential
  15. more on Excitation and Ionization Potential
20.3: Inner Shell Transitions and Characteristic X-Rays
  1. Inner Shell Transitions and Characteristic X-Rays
  2. Production of X-Rays
  3. More on Production of X-Rays
  4. Problem-Production of X-Rays
  5. The Continuous X-Ray Spectrum
  6. Properties of X-Rays
  7. More on Properties of X-Rays
  8. Uses of X-Ray
  9. CAT - Scanner
  10. Biological Effects of X-Rays
20.4: Uncertainty Within the Atom
  1. Uncertainty Within the Atom
20.5: Laser
  1. More on Uncertainty Within the Atom
  2. Laser
  3. More on Laser
  4. Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission
  5. Population Inversion and Laser Action
  6. More on Population Inversion and Laser Action
  7. Ruby Laser
  8. Helium - Neon Laser
  9. Uses of laser in medicine and industry
  10. Kinds of Lasers
  11. More on Kinds of Lasers
  12. More on Kinds of Lasers

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