Chapter 4: Matt Stacks Blocks

Chapter 4: Matt Stacks Blocks (14 videos)

4.1: Matt Stacks Blocks (reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Matt Stacks Blocks-Passage(reading /explanation/activities)
4.2: Numbers in Words (mixed) (identify/tick)
  1. Numbers in Words (mixed) (identify/tick)
4.3: Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (how to order/activities)
  1. Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (by 2nd letter/activities)
4.4: Shapes & Things with Same Shape (write naming word for shape)
  1. Shapes & Things with Same Shape (write naming word for shape)
  2. More on Shapes & Things with Same Shape
4.5: Prepositions (in, on, under, etc)(explanation/activities)
  1. Prepositions (in, on, under, etc)(explanation/activities)
4.6: Numbers Beginning with 'Th' Sound (identify/write)
  1. Numbers Beginning with 'Th' Sound (identify/write)
4.7: Words with Soft 'Th' Sound (read/write)
  1. Words with Soft 'Th' Sound (read/write)
4.8: Sara Stacks Boxes (reading /explanation/writing)
  1. Sara Stacks Boxes (reading /explanation/writing)
4.9: Write Number Words for Digits (mixed) (identify/write)
  1. Write Number Words for Digits (mixed) (identify/write)
  2. More on Write Number Words for Digits
4.10: Numbers Across and Down (mixed) (fill the puzzle)
  1. Numbers Across and Down (mixed) (fill the puzzle)
4.11: Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
  1. Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
  2. Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)

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