Chapter 4: Work and Energy

Chapter 4: Work and Energy (35 videos)

4.1: Work Done by a Constant Force
  1. Work Done by a Constant Forces
  2. Problem on Work Done by a Constant Force
4.2: Work Done By a Variable Force
  1. Work Done By a Variable Forces
  2. Problem on Introduction to Work
4.3: Work done by Gravitational Field
  1. Work done by Gravitational Field
  2. More on Work done by Gravitational Field
  3. Prove that the work done along a closed path in a gravitational Field
4.4: Power
  1. Introduction to Power
  2. Power and velocity
  3. Problem on Power and velocity
4.5: Energy
  1. Introduction to Energy
  2. Problem on Law of Conservation of Energy
  3. Potential Energy
  4. Work-Energy Principle
  5. Problem on Work-Energy Principle
  6. Absolute Potential Energy
  7. More on Absolute Potential energy
  8. Escape Velocity
  9. Problem on Escape Velocity
4.6: Interconversion of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy
  1. Interconversion of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy
  2. problem on Interconversion of Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy
4.7: Conservation of Energy
  1. Advance law of Conservation of Energy
  2. Problem on Law of Conservation of Energy
  3. Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
4.8: Implication of Energy Losses in Practical Devices and Efficiency
  1. Implication of Energy Losses in Practical Devices and Efficiency
  2. Ideal Machine
4.9: Non Conventional Energy sources
  1. Energy from Non-Renewable Sources
  2. Energy from Tides
  3. Energy from Waves
  4. Solar Energy
  5. Energy from Biomass
  6. Energy from Waste product
  7. Geothermal Energy
  8. Wind Power
  9. Nuclear Energy and Electrical Energy

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