Chapter 5: Waves

5.1: SimpleHarmonic Motion with examples
  1. Simple Harmonic Motion
  2. More on Simple Harmonic Motion
  3. Simple Pendulum
  4. Ball and Bowl as SHM
  5. Problem-Ball and Bowl as SHM
5.2: Energy in simple harmonic motion
  1. Energies Interconversion in spring-mass system
  2. Problem-Energies Interconversion in Spring-Mass System
  3. Energy conservation in SHM
  4. More on Energy conservation in SHM
  5. Problem on Energy conservation in SHM
5.3: Free and Forced Oscillations
  1. Free and Forced Oscillations
5.4: Doppler's effect & causes and applications
  1. Doppler Effect
  2. Doppler Effect: When Source at Rest, Observer is Moving
  3. Doppler Effect: When Observer at Rest, Source is Moving
  4. Doppler Effect: When both Source and Observer ae Moving
  5. Problem on Doppler Effect
  6. Applications of Doppler Effect
  7. More on Applications of Doppler Effect
  8. More on Applications of Doppler Effect
5.5: Ultrasound with uses in scanning
  1. Ultrasonic Waves
  2. Uses of Ultrasonic Waves
  3. Ultrasounds and its Applications
  4. Problem 1-Ultrasound and Its Applications
  5. Problem 2-Ultrasound and its Applications
5.6: Speed of sound in different media
  1. The Medium of Transmission
  2. Uses of Ultrasonic Waves
  3. Measuring Speed of Sound
  4. Ultrasounds and its Applications
  5. More on Measuring Speed of Sound
  6. Problem 1-Ultrasound and Its Applications
  7. Problem 1-Measuring The Speed of Sound
  8. Problem 2-Ultrasound and its Applications
  9. Problem 2-Measuring The Speed of Sound
  10. Effects of Various Factors on Speed of Sound in Air
  11. More on Effects of Various Factors on Speed of Sound in Air
  12. More on Effects of Various Factors on Speed of Sound in Air
  13. Problem on Effects of Various Factors on Speed of Sound in Air
5.7: Audioable frequency range
  1. Audibility
  2. Problem 1-Audibility
  3. Audible Frequency Range
  4. Problem 1-Audible Frequency Range
  5. Problem 2-Audible Frequency Range

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