Chapter 5: Atomic Structure

Chapter 5: Atomic Structure (78 videos)

5.1: Sub-atomic particles
  1. Discovery of Electron(Cathode rays)
  2. Properties of Cathode rays
  3. More on Properties of Cathode rays
  4. Discovery of Proton
  5. Properties of positive rays
  6. Discovery of Neutron
  7. Properties of Neutron
  8. More on Properties of Neutron
  9. Measurement of e/m Value of Electron
  10. Measurement of Charge on Electron-Millikan's Drop Method
  11. More on Measurement of Charge on Electron
  12. Mass of Electron
  13. Properties of Fundamenal Particles
5.2: Rutherford's Model of Atom (Discovery of Nucleus)
  1. Rutherford's Atomic Model
  2. Advantages and Defects in Rutherford's Atomic Model
5.3: Plank's Quantum Theory
  1. J.J Thomson Atomic Model
  2. Planck's Quantum Theory
  3. More on Planck's Quantum Theory
5.4: Bohr's Model of Atom
  1. Bohr's Atomic Theory
  2. Derivation of Radius of Revolving Electron in nth Orbit
  3. More on Derivation of Radius of Revolving Electron in nth Orbit
  4. Determining Radius of an Orbit Using Bohr's Equation
  5. Energy of Revolving Electron
  6. More on Energy of Revolving Electron
  7. Energy of Electron in nth Orbit
  8. Determination of nth Orbit Energy Using Bohr's Equation
5.5: Spectrum
  1. Instrumental Methods of Analysis
  2. Spectrum
  3. Continuous Spectrum
  4. Line Spectrum
  5. Atomic Emission Spectrum
  6. Atomic Absorption Spectrum
  7. Hydrogen Spectrum
  8. More on Hydrogen Spectrum
  9. Calculations of Frequency of Photons by Bohr's Theory
  10. Calculations of Wave Numbers of Photons by Bohr's Theory
  11. Lyman Series
  12. Balmer Series
  13. Paschen Series
  14. Brackett series
  15. Pfund series
  16. Calculation of Wave Number of Spectral series
  17. Defects of Bohr's Atomic Model
  18. More on Defects of Bohr's Atomic Model
5.6: X-Rays and Atomic Number
  1. X-Rays
  2. Properties of X-rays
  3. Types of X-rays
  4. Study of X-Rays by Moseley
  5. Importance of Moseley's Law
5.7: Wave-Particle Nature of Matter (Dual Nature of Matter)
  1. Dual Nature of Matter
  2. More on Dual Nature of Matter
  3. Experimental Verification of Dual Nature of Matter
5.8: Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
  1. Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle
  2. Concept of Orbital
  3. The Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom
  4. Consequence of The Quantum Mechenical Treatment Of Atom
  5. Difference Between Quantum and Bohr's Model
  6. Quantum Numbers
  7. Principal Quantum Numbers (n)
  8. Azimuthal Quantum Numbers (l)
  9. Magnetic Quantum Numbers (m)
  10. Spin Quantum Numbers (s)
  11. Quantum Numbers of Electrons
  12. Calculation of Combination of Quantum Numbers
  13. Shape of s-Orbitals
  14. Shapes of p-Orbitals
  15. Shapes of d-Orbitals
5.9: Electronic Distribution
  1. The Relative Energies of Atomic Orbitals
  2. (n+l) Rule
  3. Aufbau Principle
  4. Pauli's Exclusion Principle and Hund's Rule
  5. Electronic configuration
  6. More on Electronic configuration
  7. Magnetic properties
  8. Isotopes
  9. Isotopes of Carbon, Chlorine and Uranium
  10. More on Isotopes
  11. Uses of Isotopes

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